Farm Fresh Florida Exotic Passion Fruit

Get Florida Grown tasty fresh Passion fruits shipped to your door!
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Passion Fruit, Lilikoi, Maracuja, granadilla nutrition facts
Pleasantly sweet and tart, Passionfruit, also known as granadilla, Maracuja, is brimming with many plant-derived nourishing essentials offering optimum health. Passionfruits are native to subtropical wild regions of South America, probably originated in Paraguay. It is an avid climber (vine) which grows on anything that it can grapple around through its tendrils.
Local Florida Passionfruit features round to oval shape, 4 to 8 centimeters in diameter, have a tough outer shell (rind) as that of in mangosteen. Average weight is about 35-100g.
Inside, the fruit consists of membranous sacs containing light orange color, thick juice with numerous small, hard, dark-brown or black, pitted seeds. Yellow passions are larger than the purple varieties, but the pulp of the purple fruit is less acid, richer in aroma and flavor, and has a higher proportion of juicy pulp.
Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the family of Passifloraceae, of the genus; Passiflora. Scientific name: Passiflora edulis.
Health benefits of passion fruit
Delicious, passion fruit is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. 100 g of passionfruit contains about 97 calories.
The Lilikoi fruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber. 100 g fruit pulp contains 10.4 g or 27% of fiber. A good fiber in the diet helps remove cholesterol from the body. Being a good bulk laxative, it also helps protect the colon mucosa by decreasing exposure time to toxic substances in the colon and wiping off the cancer-causing toxic substances from the colon.
Passion fruit is good in vitamin-C, providing about 30 mg per 100 g. Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin-C helps the human body develop resistance against flu-like infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
Benefit from Passionfruit Pulp, which carries very good levels of vitamin-A (provides about 1274 IU per 100 g), and flavonoid antioxidants such as ß-carotene and cryptoxanthin-ß. Current research studies suggest that these compounds have antioxidant properties, and along with vitamin-A are essential for good eyesight.
Vitamin-A also required for maintaining healthy mucosa and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A and flavonoids may help to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
Fresh granadilla is very rich in potassium. 100 g fruit pulp has about 348 mg of potassium. Potassium is a major component of cells and body fluids and helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure.
Furthermore, granadilla is an excellent source of minerals. Iron, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus are present in adequate amounts in the fruit.
Preparation and Storage of the Passion Fruit AKA (Maracuja, Granadilla, Lilikoi)
Wash fruit in cold water and pat dry them using a soft cloth or paper. Cut the fruit lengthwise into two halves. Then, scoop out the juicy pulp with a spoon. Discard the tough shell.
Passion fruits have a unique tart pleasant flavor and sweet taste. Purple passion fruits are smaller but more flavorful than yellow-golden passions.
Here are some serving tips:
Passion fruit can be enjoyed fresh, especially when the fruit is well ripe. Just scoop out its juicy pulp using a spoon. Its tough shell, anyhow, is inedible.
Their juicy pulp can also be enjoyed as a refreshing intra-day drink.
Passions add a distinct flavor to fruit salads.
Passions used in the preparation of sauce, jellies, and syrups.
It employed in various recipes like passion fruit mousse, ice-cream, pizza, desserts, cakes, mousse…etc.